Thursday, September 20, 2012

Farewell, Wisdom

J lost the rest of his wisdom this morning.

Wisdom teeth, that is - the last two of them.  He had the first two removed years ago.

Since teeth are apparently medical waste, he wasn't able to keep them.  But here's a police sketch of what they looked like:

Due to the aforementioned medical waste regulations, no visit from the tooth fairy will occur tonight.  Which might be a good thing if he looks like this:

I think the following items are things that J will hate after today:
1. gauze (I had to make a trip back to the oral surgeon to get more)
2. tea bags (drinking tea = tasty; biting on tea bags to stop bleeding = not tasty)
3. slim fast (a good supplement to food, but not a good replacement for food)

Here's hoping he feels better tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hope J feels better day. FYI, though, you got jipped. They gave me my wisdom teeth after they were extracted and I still have them... somewhere.
