Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Very Sporting Birthday

My birthday gifts from J were delivered today, so I got to open them early!

Since the pool we use is finally done with summer renovations, he got me a racing swimsuit.  It's a little more lap-swimming appropriate than bikinis are.  I learned this while watching the summer Olympics.  I mean, this isn't beach volleyball, people!

He also got me a racquet for racquetball.  I've now sustained my first injury, so I think that means I'm a legitimate competitor.

It's hard to take a self-portrait of your forearm, but you get the idea.

(I'm not going to mention the fact that I might have hit J three times during this match - there's no need to bring that up).


  1. You should challenge him to a game of raquetball... in the pool.

  2. Perhaps the next new Olympic sport? It could replace trampoline, which nobody cares about.

  3. I must have missed trampoline... I think I've found my new calling in sports. What exactly do they do??

  4. They jump on a big trampoline while continuously flipping around - all as they try to maintain perfect form.

    It's like if gymnasts only did floor, the floor was a trampoline, there wasn't music, and they just did aerial tricks the entire time (none of the dance element stuff).

    Hmmm, so it's actually nothing like gymnastics.
