Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Different Kind of Presidential Race

On Saturday we went with J's parents to see the Washington Nationals play the New York Mets.  It was the first Nats game we had attended and it was a lot of fun.  The ballpark is located right by the Navy Yard Metro Station.  It's easy to figure out which Metro line goes by the park because everyone on it is wearing red.

There was a good turnout at the game.  Attendees included us,

Thomas Jefferson,

and a crazy guy who likes to shout and dance.

The highlight of the game was the Racing Presidents.

Tom pulled out the victory over Teddy, George, and Abe.

And the Nationals beat New York!


  1. I think the Republican presidential nominee should be chosen this way. They all have to race each other across around the diamond at a National's game wearing huge bobble heads of themselves. Way more entertaining than the primary system.

  2. If that were the case, Sarah Palin would definitely join the race.
