Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We Survived...

... the Great DC Earthquake of 2011.

That's right, we're both okay!  Thanks to everyone who checked up on us, we really appreciate your concern.

When the earthquake occurred...

J's experience:
J was at work in the new lab he's been setting up.  He was heat shrinking gas lines at the time, with a heat gun in one hand and 9' of stainless steel tubing in the other hand.  His main concern was to stabilize his body enough that he didn't heat shrink himself, and once the worst of the shaking stopped he was able to turn off the heat gun.

Surprisingly, a fire sprinkler cover above his desk was knocked loose by the shaking and bounced underneath his computer monitor.

A's experience:
I was at home washing dishes, doing laundry, and making chocolate chip banana nut muffins.  I'm pleased to report that we now have clean dishes, clean clothes, and delicious muffins to eat despite the earthquake:

Although these look like cookies, they're actually muffins - you just can't see the stumps.
I can't mention muffin tops and stumps without using a clip from the Seinfeld episode.

I initially thought our washing machine was unbalanced and had started to shake the floor, but then realized much more than just the washer was shaking.  Our chandelier started swinging from side to side and I decided to stand in the front doorway.  This was because (1) I'd heard to stand in a doorway during an earthquake - thanks, Saved by the Bell and (2) I wanted to be able to run out of our building if it collapsed.

Luckily, the building didn't collapse and we don't appear to have any damage.  On the bright side, I got a chance to talk with several of our neighbors that I rarely see since everyone went outside after the earthquake to make sure everything was okay.


  1. That's totally strange. I've never been in an earthquake before. I guess if you have to have one, that's the kind you want with no one hurt and no property damage.

  2. All I got from the earthquake was a shaking house. Hmmm... maybe I should check my oven and see if the earthquake fairy delivered something yummy, too!

  3. The earthquake fairy only offers free delivery within Virginia. There is an additional fee for D.C and Maryland.
