Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring Stuff

From A:

Spring has arrived to Florida and so has the pollen.  Sometimes in the past I've wondered - what happens when you mix pollen and dirt roads?  Thanks to the car parked next to me at work yesterday, I now know:

Completely unrelated, I brought home a half dozen roses from Publix last week since they had such a beautiful selection.  I had a difficult time choosing between pink or white but finally decided on white.  As it turns out, I ended up picking a bouquet that had a very unique rose with a double center - something that I've never seen before:

Is a double-centered rose sort of like a double rainbow?


  1. Crazy looking rose. I wish it were spring around here. Our cars all look like that, except it's because it won't quit snowing. Argh!

  2. What a beautiful rose... and a not-so-beautiful car.
