Friday, March 11, 2011


From A:

I was very excited to finally get an email today with a link to the gallery of J's childhood photos.  As I mentioned in a previous post, J and I each sent in about 200 of our childhood photos to be scanned and digitized.  J's were sent about a month before mine, so we should be able to view mine in approximately one month.

The photos we sent in were strategically selected based upon "cuteness factor" and "childhood historical significance."  As an example, here is one of J's favorites - a photo of him with the dog he grew up with, Chip.

A personal favorite of mine is the photo of newborn J - so cute!

Does everyone remember Teddy Ruxpin?  I think every child born in the 1980s had one.

Needless to say, we've really enjoyed looking through the photos and are very happy to have them in digital format for safekeeping.


  1. Teddy Ruxpin was creepy! Thankfully we did not have one, haha.

    Cute pics!

  2. At first glance I thought that first picture was yours, and I wondered, "Did A's family have the same floral couch as J's?" Nope. Definitely not A.
