Saturday, February 19, 2011

Orlando Conference Recap

From A:

I just returned today from a health care systems conference in Orlando.  This year I presented a poster with three of my co-workers and made an oral presentation with my department's director.  Our presentations were very well received and from the feedback we got, it seems like we passed along some ideas to other health systems.  Our poster was huge - 8 feet wide and 4 feet tall.  Here it is:

It's the poster on the far left.  If you're having trouble finding it that's because the carpet at the conference was SO LOUD.  But aside from the questionable carpet selection, it was a very nice venue and conference.

Here's a picture of the action during our oral presentation.  That's me at the podium:

However, the coolest thing about the conference was the mirror televisions in the hotel bathrooms.  What an awesome idea!  I have to admit that the time I spent showering and getting ready for bed tripled while watching TV simultaneously, but it was so much more fun!


  1. Do you normally watch golf while in the bathroom? :)

  2. And can you see the TV from the toilet? :)

  3. The Golf Channel was only for demonstrative purposes since it had a good background color to stand out in the photo. I have to admit that I changed it to Food Network after the photo was taken.

    Disappointingly, you can't see it from the toilet since the toilet is on the same wall as the mirror. However, being able to watch TV while blow drying hair is very nice!

  4. It'd be so awesome to watch TV while drying your hair!
