Friday, January 7, 2011

Post-Holiday Summary

From A:

We're back from our holiday vacation and back to normal, everyday life.  Well, except for the fact that we've had a 2-day work week since we returned mid-week.  I could go for this working 2 days and getting 5 days off thing more often!

So where have we been?  We spent New Years with J's family in Tennessee.  For the second year in a row, we were greeted by a beautiful layer of snow on the ground:

We have more photos of our visit to share once they're uploaded from our camera - so look for that on the next post!

In other news, my first day back to work wasn't as depressing as I had anticipated.  I had to make a presentation, which I hadn't looked at since Dec. 23rd, but it went really well.  The presentation was a summary of the project I used for the pilot session of a new project management course offered through our human resources department.  So I am now a certified project manager at my company - and have a certificate personally signed by the CEO, COO, and VP to prove it.  I also found out that the name I submitted in the naming contest for the new course was chosen - and I received a prize:

The name is "Preparing for Project Success."  Maybe I have a future as a headline writer after all.


  1. Congrats. Hopefully that book doesn't make you more depressed about your job. We have been using the knife, and it's awesome! Thanks.

  2. Yeah, really - I'm hoping for a happy ending. Glad you like the knife! I'm scheduled for a mani tomorrow afternoon with my gift certificate. I'm super excited! It was great seeing you guys.
