Thursday, May 6, 2010

Caption Time!

From A:

I'm going to embarrass J on this post.

I was going through old pictures and couldn't pass up the chance to get this photo on the blog:

And now that it's been posted, it needs a caption!  Come on, this should be so easy considering how many Tiger Woods jokes have been going around (and I know our readers will keep it G rated).

So leave a message with your best caption.  The winner will be announced on the next blog post and will win my admiration for all eternity.


  1. Who knew Tiger Woods' sweat was orange flavored?

  2. "J knows what it takes to be a Tiger. (But he won't go there.)"

    Yes, yes, I'll poke fun at my own company's previous slogan! haha

  3. Oh, and where were you camping?

  4. It was at Payne's Prairie. Unlike when we went with you guys and nearly froze, this trip was really, really hot. We haven't hit an enjoyable camping temperature yet.
