I finally have the time to post some more pictures from my birthday last weekend. I've gotten some questions about what the famous cake looked like once it was cut, so here it is:
Yep, it's chocolate! And yummy, too.
Many thanks to everyone who remembered my birthday with gifts, cards, phone calls, and emails. I felt so special! Here are the cards I received (and the roses J got for me):
I was also surprised with an amazing wedding scrapbook Colleen began making for my birthday. She already put together the cutest pages for the bridal shower, bachelorette night, morning of the wedding, and she even included samples of our save the date, invitations, and wedding program. Now, I'll get to finish it with our official photos from the photographer. One picture can't even begin to show it off, but here's a little taste for our readers:
I'm looking forward to adding the photos from the photographer and then getting to share it with friends and family. Thanks, Colleen!
And finally, here is a photo of Chef J making a special birthday blueberry pancake breakfast for me (we even had blueberry maple syrup on top!):
Wow, Colleen's scrapbook looks beautiful (from what I can see). The pink/peach on the cake matches your flowers.