Sunday, October 4, 2015

Evolution of a Cutting Board

J has been using leftover wood scraps to make really neat cutting boards lately. He had some extra walnut, cherry, and maple from previous projects and decided to put them all together in random patterns. Here's the evolution of one of these boards from start to finish (from my non-woodworking perspective).

Step 1: Cut up a bunch of little blocks of wood.

Step 2: Have your wife help you put glue between all of the
little blocks using cute little paint brushes.
Put boards around the edges for clamping purposes.

Step 3: Add a ridiculous number of clamps.
Leave overnight to dry.

Step 4: Remove board from clamps the next day.
Marvel at all the glue "squeeze out" which means
you did a good job during the glue-up.

Step 5: Flatten and sand the board.
This takes a really long time.

Step 6: Borrow your wife's hair dryer.
She won't give you her good one, so take the spare.
Use it to work in the board conditioner stuff.

Step 7: Show off your awesome new cutting board!
Post photo on Facebook and watch the "likes" come in.

1 comment:

  1. An informative and entertaining summary. Sure is pretty, is all I know. Mine is holding up beautifully! <3
