Thursday, June 3, 2010


From J:

Today, while coming home from work, my wife had the crap scared out of her by a gigantic spider.  Like a good husband, I took a picture of it.  Then killed it.  And took a couple of other pictures, for blog purposes.

Total diameter: ~4".  Total viciousness: INCALCULABLE (to insects).  To humans?  Not so much.  It's a huntsman spider, fairly common in Florida.  The variety that we have around here grows up to about 5" in diameter.  Elsewhere in the world they grow up to 12" in diameter.  And probably eat puppies, or something.  I entered into battle and bravely sprayed this thing with some spider spray, which caused it to freak out and run all over the place.  Then calm down, and consider its next move.  Would it make a run at my wife?  Would it attempt to attack me, its aggressor?  Would it try and steal my car to get away?  It turns out that its preferred option was "stay still and get sprayed again, and die after about 10 minutes."

In retrospect, this would be a much better demonstration picture of wildlife than that lame squirrel picture I posted a week back.

RIP, hunstman spider.  You looked like you wanted to lay eggs in my brain, so I killed you.  Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. EW!!! Normally I'm okay with spiders, but not ones that big!
