From J:
Let me preface this with a disclaimer: no bloggers were harmed in the making of this post.
A and I were driving home from dinner yesterday when I spied something out of the corner of my eye in the stagnant pond of our condo complex. What could it be? Yes! An alligator!
Trust me, that speck in middle of the pond isn't a log. Sorry, my iPhone doesn't have any zoom features. Now, cue the Jaws theme:
Oh hi! I can haz fingerz?
I took this photo right after the alligator yawned (the yawning shot was, unfortunately, blurry). Yes, a fun fact! Alligators yawn. After this, it mostly just kept an eye on me. I moved to a slightly different location and... new alligator buddy followed me. All-in-all, a pretty exciting evening with real live nature! This is a reminder to all of our non-Gainesville readers (which is pretty much all of you, I think) that we live in an actual swamp. A couple of shots to close out the post:
And one from another location (yes, the gator moved again to watch me):
22 hours ago
Awwww, he's kind of cute. I think he would have made a good addition to the guest bath tub!