Big shop upgrades for me this Black Friday! First up: clamps. Jet has a huge parallel clamp sale, 50% off, every Black Friday. It's a mad scramble. I got up at 5:00 on Friday and found one website that still had them in stock. Four 24", two 31", and two 40". Clamps: check!
Allie approves. |
Next, I was browsing ads online. Turns out that Harbor Freight had one of the gems of their collection on sale, a benchtop drill press, for $50. One 20% off coupon later, I'm walking out with a $40 drill press. Crazy.
$40. I know it's not the best one on the market or anything, but come on. $40. |
Now, even crazier: I've wanted to get a planer for some time now, as it will let me buy rough stock and dimension it up myself when I need it rather than paying to have it done all at once. I can also do some neat things with glueups for cutting boards and other projects now that I can easily flatten things. The unit that looks like the best combination of price, performance, and size was a Ridgid benchtop unit at Home Depot. They theoretically match competitors' coupons, so I wanted to see what they would do with a 20% Harbor Freight coupon. Not exactly a competitor for an item like this...but they took it. The cashier was shocked. The manager had to come over and authorize it since the discount was so large. I paid and felt like I'd gotten away with something.
Welcome to the tool family. |
Merry Christmas,
J. I'll be working the next few months on redoing my shop. I've got plans for two new workbenches, a smaller table saw stand, a planer cart, a drill press stand, a new router table, and new clamp storage. Phew!
Even I was walking a little faster than normal out of Home Depot that day, after the coupon price match!