A time-honored tradition in blogs seems to be adding in photos of recent meals. So why can't we get in on this action? I'm going to combine two of my recent meals with a factoid I learned on Food Network the other night: if you give food elaborate names people will like it more.
Starting off, I give you...dinner.
Is this dinner better referred to as a saute of freshly caught wild scallops in a garlic-butter sauce with sesame-soy brocolli and herbed couscous or as scallops cooked in butter and garlic powder with frozen brocolli and boxed couscous? Clearly, the former is better. Whatever, it was tasty.
Next, I give you...happy breakfast.

Is this a kid-friendly presentation of a toasted whole grain bagel with whipped cream cheese and an egg white frittata with a spicy blend of 4 gourmet Mexican cheeses, or a bagel and an egg substitute omelet that happened to look like a smiley face on my plate?
I think I've made my point. For your next dinner party, spend extra time looking up snooty names on the internet rather than cooking and your guests will be better off.
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