We got a taste of the upcoming Gator football team at a charity challenge held at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium today. The event divided the football team into 6 groups that were each competing for a different charity. There were 3 different events, including the tire flip, the obstacle course, and the sled push.
In an unfair twist of fate (or through clever planning), Tebow, Spikes, and the Pouncey twins were all on the same team. Also, Tebow wore a sleeveless, sideless shirt to the event. In case you were wondering, his body is composed entirely of muscles.
Needless to say, we are even more ready than ever for the 2009 Gator football season to begin!
On a completely unrelated topic, we have more wedding photo favorites to post. First, the handsome groom and groomsmen:
Next, me with my beautiful bridesmaids: