Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Letter "S"

This post is brought to you by the letter "S."

We've had a cold, wet week that just makes you want to stay inside and snooze.

Or snuggle for some extra warmth.

It even makes you want to stay inside and get things done around the house. When we painted over the weekend, we noticed that each piece of bedroom furniture is signed and dated by the carpenter. I can't say that I had looked at the back of our furniture in much detail until we pulled it all out to paint the room. It's a really neat touch, though. Thanks to Sheldon, Paul, James, Hoover, Steve, and David for making our furniture between 7-12-11 and 7-15-11.

Mid-week we got the very best kind of snow. Big, beautiful flakes that don't really stick on roads. It was nice to watch the snow falling (this is the view from my office window) but not have problems driving home at the end of the day.

A hot crock pot meal is always nice on cold days. Our current obsession (we have a batch cooking as I write this post) is Stubb's Hatch Chile Cookin' Sauce. This stuff is amazing. Just put it in a crock pot with 1.5 pounds of chicken breast and let it cook on low all day. You end up with spiced chicken that shreds with a fork and is delicious in tacos, burritos, enchiladas, etc.

Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday and Sunday!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Conveniently, it's from a store that starts with an "S" - Safeway. Our store has it with other crock pot sauces, near the marinades. It tends to be sold out a lot, so I stock up when it's available.

  3. Stock up on a couple extra for me! I can't depend on finding it in JC. When I wrote earlier, we were planning a Publix run in WP; didn't find it there. Bummer.
