Thursday, May 8, 2014

Retirement Tea

Each year our church hosts a really heartwarming retirement tea for those in our congregation who are retired as well as those from local retirement homes.  Twelve different volunteers each decorate and serve as a host/hostess for one of the tables and many others volunteer to make and serve food.

One of the couples in attendance was celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary (they were so cute together) and door prizes went to the oldest woman (98), oldest man (92), and person with the most grandchildren (19).

All of the tables were so beautiful that I thought I'd share a photo of each.

For entertainment the children from our church's preschool sang a song, a college music major home for the summer sang two songs, there was a handbell performance, and there were two handbell songs that everyone participated in by ringing chimes.  And as filler between performances there were many "old jokes" told.

It was so sweet to see how much fun those in attendance were having.  I hope someone will do this sort of thing for J and me in 50 years.


  1. I will be happy to tell you and J jokes in 50 years. In fact, you don't have to wait 50 years. Did you hear about the fire at the circus?

  2. No, I didn't. But did you hear about the peanut that walked into the bar?
