Monday, November 5, 2012


We were very excited to have 19 trick-or-treaters visit our house this year.  It's the first year we've actually had trick-or-treaters since nobody came to our condo last year and before that we were living in a student apartment complex.

Both the kids and the parents seemed excited that we were giving out Rice Krispies Treats.  And as a bonus we don't mind eating the leftovers in our work lunches.

To make our porch festive for Halloween, we added a pumpkin family.

Daddy J, Mommy A, and Baby Allie*
*Not to scale
Once Halloween was over, Allie got to do whatever she wanted with her pumpkin.  Not surprisingly, she decided to play with it and then chew on it.

Pumpkin nom
As for the costumes of the trick-or-treaters, I had no idea what many of them were.  Am I really getting so old that I'm completely out of touch with what kids like these days?  Our neighbor's granddaughter was Merida from Brave, which I didn't know anything about until I looked it up on Wikipedia.

However, there were a few classic costumes that I appreciated seeing, such as Darth Vader.  There was also a gorilla, a monkey, and what I think were generic princesses (or I just have no idea what princesses they were supposed to be).

As for my costume, I went as a pedestrian (as usual).  I always have just the right clothes in my wardrobe to pull it off.

1 comment:

  1. You had more trick-or-treaters than we did! It was bitter cold here that night. I'm always impressed when the children are polite. MM
