Sunday, July 8, 2012

Tom, George, Abe, and Teddy

On Friday night, we boarded the Metro and headed to Nationals Park to see the Nationals play the Rockies.  Here we are going TO the game.

For comparison purposes, here's what the Metro was like coming FROM the game.  Can you see J?  Hint: he's standing behind the guy with terrible body odor.  Gag.

Luckily at the game we weren't behind anyone because we had front row seats!

Although, for someone like me who is already paranoid about getting hit by a ball and having the replay shown incessantly on ESPN, I was a little nervous.  But I had already decided that if a ball actually did hit me, I would give it to the nearest child to avoid any sort of meltdown that would make me look like a complete jerk for keeping the ball.

In the most important news of the game, Abe took an early lead in the presidential race.  He was followed by Teddy in second.

However, George took the lead rounding the corner.  But then at the end of the race Abe pulled back into the lead to win it all!

The night after we went to the game, Teddy nearly won his first-ever race.  However, he opted to stop for a popsicle in the 103 degree heat and blew it.  It was a sad day for Nationals fans.

This website has videos of nearly all the races.  I highly recommend watching 6/15 when Teddy is attacked by a lobster and 5/19 when Teddy pummels the Oriole bird.

Unfortunately, the Nationals lost the game we attended (1-5), but it was still a fun day at the ballpark.

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