Sunday, December 19, 2010

What's for Dinner? Steak Edition

From A:

Last week, J and I tried to recreate our delicious Thanksgiving steak experience.  Instead of getting a flank steak (they were all HUGE), I opted for a flat iron steak.  The package said "great for grilling," which is a claim we're still skeptical of.

The steak spent two full days in a vacuum marinater with Italian dressing:

We used our Cuisinart Griddler, which I can't say enough good things about, to grill it:

Our nutcrackers stood guard while J was in the kitchen cooking:

A perfect medium well:

The finished dish (the slices are a little funky shaped because J did his best to give me the pieces that were the most well done - a few of his pieces here are a little too pink for my taste):

Our overall opinion:
Was it flavorful? Yes.
Was it juicy? Yes.
Was it tender? Mostly. Next time we'll try a different cut of steak.
Was it as good as Thanksgiving?  Unfortunately, no.  But we'll try again to hopefully get it right.

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