Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Land of Cheese

From A:

Highlights of our trip to Wisconsin, in photos:

(all photo captions by J)

Bratfest!  A and I were struck by the way that Wisconsin residents really attack summer, as exemplified in their willingness to 1) get sunburned while 2) listening to crappy bands and 3) eating brats.  There is no equivalent to this event in Gainesville.

Not that bratfest was lame.  It had the official Wiener Mobile in attendance, instantly raising its coolness.

A wearing a cheese hat.  It was not made out of real cheese.  Wisconsin is very proud of its cheese.

Here I am sharing a glass of chocolate Wisconsin milk with Bucky Badger, the Wisconsin mascot.  Wisconsin is also very proud of its milk, as that is used to make cheese.  

D, C, A, and I at the Brewers game (vs. the Mets) at Miller Park.  My previous MLB experiences have been at Pro Player/Dolphin/Joe Robbie/Landshark/Sun Life Stadium in Miami, so this was a nice change.  The best part was...

The Klement's Sausage race.  Go, Chorizo!  He's stereotypically wearing a sombrero.  Chorizo was doing well until they tagged off to the little sausages (cocktail wieners, I guess) seen at the bottom of the frame.  The little chorizo was very slow, and Polish sausage took the day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you guys had a nice time with Dan & Chelsea! Oh, and Hot Dog Mobile :)
