A very busy weekend on the woodworking front, our pantry is now a freestanding structure! Also I did some other stuff, too.
Last weekend, we did the first test fit (clamps to hold everything together). I realized that I had erred and not cut two of the required panels for the sides. Everything was put on hold until I could make it to the lumberyard and get more 1/2" maple ply. So, a few days later, I did. I also got another board of maple because I have a problem with impulse buying lumber, apparently?
Dog for scale. |
Fast forward a few more days: new panels cut, time to assemble everything! Lots and lots of fine tuning involved to ensure that everything came out square and level. Assembly was pocket screws and glue. While I had used pocket screws on the
Groland redo, this was the first time I'd used them for structural assembly.
Pocket screw pros:
Pocket screw cons:
- You have to be really, really careful to make sure you don't attach something out of square, etc.
- Lots of careful clamping required
- You can see them afterwards
They're a mixed bag, I gu
ess. If I'd had to cut all of the mortises and tenons for this project I'd be at the assembly step some time next month. On the whole, more pros than cons due to how fast they are. This is why pretty much all of the high-end furniture you can buy these days uses pocket screws for the carcase assembly. As an aside, the best joinery option out there these days is the loose tenon/domino: it's a beautiful marriage of speed, strength, and precision, but I'll have to save that technique for when I have a
larger paycheck.
After I had the sides assembled, I had to recruit
A to help put the back and front on. This involved clamps.
40" Jet clamps from the Black Friday sale make another appearance! |
A few clamps and screws later (76 screws total) and it stands! Another plus to pocket screws: once you have the screws in it's done. No need to keep it in the clamps while the glue dries. Again: fast.
Wife for scale. The pantry is 0.91 wifes tall. |
Of course, we had to see how it would fit in the kitchen. Perfect. Something something custom furniture something something.
So much space for cereal. |
To finish off the weekend, I milled up the lumber for the drawer and doors and assembled the drawer. No photos of this yet, you'll have to wait for the next update!
Still to come: a drawer, doors, shelves, and installing the top.
Looking great! Everyone and everything. :D